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The GSoC Adventure -Part 1-


The first time I heard about the Google Summer of Code project was from Cinzia, a friend of mine with whom I was attending the same university courses. We were developing a web application with Raphael js to practice a bit and to pass the time doing something practical.. our university course is a very theoretical one so we just felt the need to write some code and share knowledge within each other. By the way an afternoon she was complaining about how theoretical our course is and so we started talking about the possibility that students have to get involved in interesting code writing activities.. she then came out with the Google Summer of Code name, she still didn't have much information about it but that name was somehow printed in my mind. One or two weeks after that we were going to a lecture when by accident (life runs in strange ways sometimes) we met Claudio Desideri “snizzo” a guy who already attended three editions of the GsoC with the Gluon project at KDE and who talked with us about that.. I was quite fascinated by the opportunities that GsoC offers to students. In the end Claudio and me became friends and decided to wrote a proposal for this year GSoC. To make a long story short chatting with leinir who mentored him in the previous years we proposed to restruct the Plasma delivery content system, he by extending the ocs-server protocol and I by providing a web and desktop client to it.. hey guys please don't make me rewrite my GSoC proposal here :P check the blogpost we wrote on snizzo's blog for more info ;).
In the end our proposal was accepted!!! :)
It is quite difficult to describe how it feels to be a GSoC student for the first time.. it's a mix of excitement, worries and responsibilities, It's the first time you get involved in something big and you're paid for it and in fact you're not only paid to write code but to learn new stuff also. I'm grateful to the KDE community and Google for the opportunity they are giving me and I hope that what I create will be good to the community, I'm someone that usually self criticize himself and it's rare that I'm satisfied on what I've done, I think that there is always a way to improve the work you have done.
I feel a lot of responsibilities on me and I'm going to do my best now and in the months to come ;)

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